Information Networks on Education, Training and Employment

There are several European networks and structures providing important information on various aspects related to mobility experiences.


Information on European Policies in the field of youth, with the existing opportunities for young people.


Electronic platform for adult learning in Europe

European, multilingual community for adult education professionals, including educators, trainers, career guidance officers, academic researchers, scholars, and policy makers.


An initiative aimed at supporting citizens in presenting their skills and qualifications all across Europe in a clear, easily understandable way. Here one can find all Europass documents, the respective benefits, who they are aimed for, and even create the documents themselves.


A European network that collects and disseminates comparative information on European education systems and policies.

European Credit System for Vocational Education and Training
European Credit System for Vocational Education and Training

A common methodological framework to facilitate the accumulation and transfer of credits obtained as a result of learning outcomes from one qualification system to another. Its aim is to promote transnational mobility and access to lifelong learning.


It is a national centre whose purpose is to answer questions on the academic recognition of higher education degrees and diplomas obtained abroad.

Europe Direct
Europe Direct

European information network to answer questions related to the European Union.

Contact points in Portugal..

European Qualifications Matrix
European Qualifications Matrix

Lists the qualification systems of the various countries. It works as a translation tool to make it easier to compare qualifications. It helps students and workers, who move from one country to another, either for working or studying purposes.

European Credit Transfer System
European Credit Transfer System

Is one of the elements to enable the recognition of academic education and training between different countries in the European Space.

European Centre for the Development of Vocational Training
European Centre for the Development of Vocational Training

A structure that supports the development of European vocational education and training policies, and contributes to their implementation. It provides instruments and publications within the scope of career guidance.

Job Mobility Portal
Job Mobility Portal

A cooperation network aimed at facilitating the free movement of workers within the European Union, as well as in Switzerland, the United Kingdom, Iceland, Liechtenstein, and Norway.

It provides information and counselling services to workers, job seekers and employers on job opportunities in the European market.


Rede Europeia especializada em ensino e formação profissional, criada em 2002, pelo Centro Europeu para o Desenvolvimento da Formação Profissional (Cedefop). Tem por missão reunir, analisar e disponibilizar informação no âmbito do ensino e formação profissional, nomeadamente a evolução dos sistemas e das políticas nacionais nos Estados-Membros da UE, Islândia, Noruega e Reino Unido; promover sua visibilidade, bem como as atividades e trabalhos realizados pelo Cedefop.

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